God's Relation to The Universe

3 months ago

4:0.1 (54.1)THE Universal Father has an eternal intention with the material, mental and spiritual phenomena in the universe of universes, and at all times he is ever in the process of carrying out this intention. God created the universes of his own free, sovereign will, and he created them according to his all-wise, eternal intention. It is doubtful that anyone except the Paradise Deities and their highest associates really knows much about God's eternal intention. Even the exalted citizens of Paradise hold widely differing opinions as to the nature of the eternal intention of the Deities.
4:0.3 (54.3)The astonishing plan to perfect evolutionary mortals and, when they have reached Paradise and the Corps of Perfection, to further train them for future work as yet unrevealed, does seem at present to be one of the most important undertakings in the seven superuniverses and their many subdivisions, but this ascension plan for the spiritualization and training of the mortals from time and space is by no means the only matter with which the thinking beings of the universe are concerned. There are undeniably many other fascinating pursuits that occupy the time and energy of the heavenly hosts.

In Treatise Four of the Urantia book, it talks about God's relationship to the Universe and also talks about how we, people on Urantia are still under the influence of primitive God image understanding and that we still cling to what our ancestors understood when it comes to who God the Father is. God is pure Love and not a father of vengeance and attraction and repulsion as we read throughout the Old Testament. This treatise also says that all the books that are supposedly “holy” are based on myths because our forefathers were fond of myths. Now we will get a clearer and clearer picture about the Bible and all these other books and the stories described in them and have a question mark over what we read whether it is really from God and if so whether it is correctly understood and written down or expressed to us the descendants.

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