HF Ham Radio

3 months ago

This is HF ham radio. All my radio tutorials were lost when my account was just banned at 300K on TikTok… but I will redo. Radio is the best chance at communication in an emergency… and ham radio is the motherlode. 😁👍📻

See the end of this video for where I recommend to study for the US license. I recommend getting Technician AND General license so you can transmit on frequencies that connect thousands of miles away, not just citywide 👍 DO NOT use your home address when you register at FCC. It is public information. Use PO Box or other address.

And before you may give grief about getting a license, it’s nothing to do with government control, it’s so you don’t accidentally set off a ballistic missile with a radio frequency, or interrupt firefighters like someone did in 2022 and they were fined $34,000, or interrupt an ambulance driver saving someone’s dad’s life. Suck it up and get licensed 😁

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