Coverage in Germany Special Film Project SFP 186Can 9517

1 month ago

(This film is silent)

Shot List:
Roll 7236
1) 2H000-192 Aerial shot of bomb damaged marshaling yards and buildings in city of Pforzheim, --bomb damaged airstrip and military installations, --wrecked marshaling yards at Tuebingen, --bomb damage in city. --Aerial shot bomb damage to airstrip, marshaling yards and buildings in Mainz. (bad vignetting in corners)

Roll 2359
1) 193-388 Aerial shot of bomb damaged to buildings, complete destruction,--Aerial shot marshaling yards demolished, --several shots of bomb damage in and around cities of Pforzheim, Tuebingen, and Mainz.

Roll 2359
1) 389-582 Aerial shot bomb damaged buildings at Munich,--several shots and angles same.

Roll 2633
1) 583-768 Aerial shot plane flying low of POW camp at Dachau,--Aerial shot fields around camp, --several shots of farm lands around camps, barracks, administration buildings and homes in camp.

Roll 2583
1) 769-954 Aerial shot bomb damaged marshaling yards at Regensburg,--Aerial shot scenes of bomb damage to buildings in town of Regensburg,--Aerial shot plane flying low showing demolished bridges over river.

National Archives Series Identifier: 5768
Local Identifier: 18 SFP 9517

Series: Motion Picture Films from the "Special Film Project" Program Series, ca. 1945 - ca. 1945
Record Group 18: Records of the Army Air Forces

This item av documents the time period: June 1945

National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540

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