The Last Trump

3 months ago

Here we dispose of the misunderstanding that the last trump here is the 7th trumpet of Revelation 11. For the Lord had not yet come at the 7th trumpet but it was declared “Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come”. (Rv.11:17) The time for his coming had arrived; but he was still in heaven ready to descend (v16-7). Plus the vials of wrath are yet to be poured out. Another disqualifier was that the angel blew that trumpet where the Lord will blow the trumpet immediately after the tribulation of those days when “the Lord shall be seen over them”. (Matt. 24:30-31, Zech.9:14-16, Rev.1:7)
The trumpet blown in the end is by the Lord and for Israel's and Jerusalem's atonement and their ingathering. (Lev.23:24-7, 25:9, Dan.9:24, Isa.27:13)
Our post-trib brothers see this as an absolute last trumpet not last in a series. Oddly they don't see an absolute 'last day' in John7:37 but rather last in a series. But this is not the absolute last as there will be trumpets declaring the new moons in the millennium (Psa.81:3, Isa.66:22-3, Num.10:10)
When we compare the 1 Cor.15 passage with the other last trump passage in 1 Thess. 4 we see this trump cannot be the same event as the trumpet at the end of the tribulation because there are no signs (1 Thes.5:1-3).

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