No Worry Priority (When We Seek First the Kingdom and Will of God) (Baptist Preaching - Ph)

4 months ago

Sunday Morning Preaching on Priorities in the Christian Life
November 24, 2024

No Worry Priority
(When We Seek First the Kingdom and Will of God)
Text: Matthew 6:24-34

Objective: that the brethren may not be hindered or crippled by needless worrying, and just trust and do the will of God

Define – Worry, Priority, Seek, first, Kingdom, will of God
Previous sermons on setting priority

Points to Consider in Setting that Right Priorities in Life:
1) Practice pronouncing sound judgment in Determining which is more important – v.24
a) Accept the fact that some things are more important than the other
2) Determine, List those important things in life in order of importance – v.25
a) Categorize accordingly
3) Observe how God is Faithful in His Providence – v.26 – “behold”
a) Attend, involve yourself real people who have true testimony of God’s providence
4) Recognize the Characteristics of right priority – v.27
a) It will remove worries – vv. 25,28, 31x34 - “take no thought”
b) Accepts Reality as it is – what can I change/control and otherwise
c) Aligns with what God defines as good, beautiful.
d) This will result to serenity/peace of mind which will then add to your many blessings – v.34
5) Let God define the Best for your Life – vv.30, 32
a) He created everything
b) He knows everything specially your needs (v.32) in contrast to your just ‘wants’
c) This is the will of God: be saved and save others (as much as can be)


Let us not be hindered or crippled by needless worrying, and just trust and do the will of God

Discerning Word Baptist Church
Banaba San Mateo Rizal


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