Juneteenth A Celebration

3 months ago

In commemoration of Juneteenth, celebrating the liberation of enslaved people in the Confederate states, and in conjunction with the display of the original Emancipation Proclamation signed by President Abraham Lincoln, and General Order #3 (which transmitted the news of emancipation to the residents of the state of Texas), we join with the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) for a discussion with a musical performance. Moderated by Dr. Elizabeth Clark-Lewis, professor of history at Howard University, the program will include Dr. Anton House, Delaware State University, and Don and Jocelyn Pinkard, members of the ASALH Dallas Branch. Violinist Gabrielle Clover will perform.

Program and the upcoming Emancipation Proclamation Featured Document Presentation is made possible in part by the National Archives Foundation through the generous support of The Boeing Company.

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