Steam Game Recording In RAM; Linux How To

3 months ago

I will show you how to mount a piece of your RAM for the new Steam Game Recording functionality so that you don't have to wear-out your SSD. Of course, you can simply record to a mechanical drive with the same goal.

The line to enter into your /etc/fstab file:
tmpfs /home/darth/.steam/debian-installation/userdata/159905850/gamerecordings/ tmpfs size=3G,uid=darth,gid=darth,mode=0755 0 0

Don't forget to change your RAM partition size, your recording destination folder, and your username/groupname.

Another tmpfs option is also just using /dev/shm path for Steam Game Recording if it is mounted on your distro. You can check it with "df | grep shm". The difference is that by reserving a part of your RAM you will be sure that you have that much dedicated for recording. Thanks Koutsie for the tip.

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This video was edited with Kdenlive.

Intro / outro music is borrowed with permission from H0ffman:

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