Highest Levels of Government Hid Truth About Covid Vaccine from Public

3 months ago

11/24/2024 Dr. Naomi Wolf @naomirwolf: According to the documents that we obtained under FOIA, in April 2021, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Walensky and others at the highest levels of government knew that the covid vaccine was harmful. But not only did they hide it from the public, they also tried to cover it up. This is the greatest crime against humanity in recorded history.
#covidvaccine #Fauci #Walensky #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Myocarditis #CoverUp #vaccinedisaster
11/24/2024 娜奥米·沃尔夫博士:我们根据《信息自由法》获得的文件显示,在2021年4月,福奇、瓦伦斯基等政府最高层人士就已知晓新冠疫苗有害,但他们不仅向公众隐瞒了此事,还试图掩盖疫苗真相。这是有史以来最大的反人类罪行。
#新冠疫苗 #福奇 #瓦伦斯基 #反人类罪 #心肌炎 #掩盖 #疫苗灾难

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