What was learned after another break from social media & going into Hermit mode 🎙 UNRAVEL s5e1

2 months ago

hii 👋🏽 its been a while ... and todays episode reflects on the catalyst for stepping away from instagram and social media, projects that were being worked on, including this podcast, and launching a new somatic dance membership for women.
... what happened and what was learned from this process?

Hello 👋🏽 and welcome to UNRAVEL. this is a space where we explore contemplations and reflections around unravelling from mind (aka ego), integrating the shadow and cultivating deeper self-awareness, through the lens of tarot, somatics & self-enquiry.

thank you for joining me on this journey of unravelling 🙏🏼


👉🏽 YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/@heretounravel
👉🏽 PODCAST 🎙 https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unravelthepodcast
👉🏽 NEWSLETTER https://form.typeform.com/to/rXzxe88d

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