The Rook: Close Up HD Footage (Corvus frugilegus)

3 months ago

The Rook is one of Britain's most sociable birds, and you're bound to spot them if you live near farmland or parks with big trees. What makes them stand out from other crows? Well, they've got these distinctive pale, greyish faces and rather messy-looking feathered trousers around their legs. These clever birds are famous for living in large groups called rookeries, where they build their nests high up in trees and make quite a racket with their constant cawing.
These brainy birds really know how to work as a team when it comes to finding food. They spend loads of time wandering around fields, using their strong beaks to dig up tasty treats like worms, insects, and bits of leftover crops. What's really fascinating is how clever they are – scientists have seen them using tools to get food, even figuring out how to get cars to crack open tough nuts for them!
You'll spot rooks all over Britain and Europe throughout the year, as they're not too fussed about moving south for winter.

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