Angizia / Amestigon - Heidebilder / Mysterious Realms (Full Album) (1996)

3 months ago

Split album of two Austrian bands. Angizia is black metal with classical music mixed in and Amestigon is old school black metal.

0:00 1. Angizia - Die Blumen Eines Baches (The Flowers Of A Stream)
11:15 2. Angizia - Herbstlegende (Autumn Legend)
18:31 3. Angizia - Der Stechlin (Title of a book - The Stechlin)
27:25 4. Amestigon - Challerian's Fall
32:33 5. Amestigon - Samhain
38:15 6. Amestigon - Mysterious Realms
46:15 7. Amestigon - Stormlord

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