Toronto Pigs Play Favourites (Read Description)

2 months ago

You see how intimidated, the evil Satan worshipping, terrorists loving, fake country of palestine people are of one person, just trying to do their job of journalism. The provocateurs that wave the flag which represents the four horses of apocalypse, are the reason regular Canadians went to Hell. The provocateurs are the reason, Canadians children went to Hell for eternity. The provocateurs are the reason this country went to Hell. If one person, can make the provocateurs shake like that. Can you imagine, if a hundred, or two hundred, or even three hundred people, waving the Canadian flags, joined the people that side with Israel. Then those few hundred of Canadians, can march in solidarity, as they cross the street chanting 'Get Out' to the provocateurs waving the palestine flag, before going back on the other side of the street.

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