no voice quick unimportant gameplay OG-ASE 005

3 months ago

Experimenting with editing in a higher resolution. It makes the videos big and lengthy. But maybe will get rid of the blurriness? See if this looks better on Rumble.

Rumble only allows 15gb per vid. So my experiment had to be cut in eight parts. Next eight vids should be visually clear in x2 speed I'm hoping.

This vid has my single player settings. Boring. But I adjusted my sp for fair gameplay. Of particular note I have slightly turned down the dino spawnage. I felt in default Ark there was always to many critters coming for you not giving you time to breath and establish.

After I am done finding all Quality Of Life mods (furniture, weapons, construction) that still function and are not over powered, will move on to finding reasonable dino adding mods. Looking for mods that do not lag the load in or the game.

My fav mod is the 500 stacks. I remember everyone would use the 1000 or 5000. This is way over powered. It literally ruins most game play you might as well be in creation mode at that point.

I also enjoy the dresser storage mod. When I played ark vanilla on a server past year ago I remember having like 50 storage cabinets lined up. Then I had to label or color them and still couldn't find my stuff. More time interacting with the storage units than playing the game. But this seems like a fair compromise to have just one storage altering mod with chests that can hold more items.

Objective is not to spend to much time doing one thing only but still have to do the thing. Just getting rid of some of the grind.

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