Vy’keen A New Beginning EP14 in No Man's Sky – Completing The Farmers Quests

3 months ago

Playing No Man’s Sky in the AQUARIUS Update. In this Episode we finish the questline for the farmer and build the Circuit board for the Overseer. We also gain the plans for the Exocraft Tech's Terminal.

Play through rules:
* Cannot buy multi-tools
* Can only buy tech from Anomaly only if it cannot be found organically or through missions.
* Restricted to buying X-tech or those sold by Exocraft Technician.
* Quicksilver missions are allowed in late game.
* Focus on guild quests vs donations.
* Only Fighter, Solar, Exotic Ships can be purchase and only from Pirate Systems.

#NoMansSky #NMS #NoManSky #NoMansSkyAquarius #NoMansSkyGameplay

0:00 Turn in Gravatino Ball
1:15 Echinocactus (Cactus)
16:13 Star Bulbs
21:17 Mordite Root
19:55 Plant Gravtino Hosts
25:35 Build Circuit Board for Overseer
26:20 See Overseer About Galactic Trade Terminal
27:44 Gravatino Ball for Conflict Scanner
38:00 Exocraft Technician Terminal Plans

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