Bad Special Moves - Part 2

3 months ago

It would be nice if the characters I mentioned in the first video were the only ones with bad special moves, but, unfortunately, that isn't the case. Here's a few other fighters that make use of questionable attacks during their matches.

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Oh, and if you can help with subtitles to any other language, I'll be happy if you could give me a hand.

A big thanks to everybody that left suggestions of other bad moves in the comment section

The soundtrack this time is:
- The King of Fighters 96 - Rumbling on the City (Arranged)
- Fatal Fury Special - Duck Dub Dub Theme of Duck King (Arranged)
- Kid Icarus - Underworld Theme Remix (Starman3s Remix)
- Mortal Kombat 9 OST The Pit
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 OST The Road

Bad Special Moves - Part 1

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