Why Comedians Need a Home Base: The Power of Connection

3 months ago

I would think that's probably true Yeah I think knowing you and being your friend for many years now I think when you struggle is when you're by yourself too much Yeah Because when you're with everybody else everybody loves you we all have fun together I've said it before and I'll say it again We need that Especially us Especially comedians We need to be around people that are just like us Like you don't have to worry We can just talk shit and laugh and have fun There's no like wondering where we stand with each other It's always fun You need a home base man You know and you were doing better when you were at the comedy store all the time Because you were around us all the time We were all around each other We knew there was a place we could go where we could find like-minded people and have a laugh You know Yeah On a regular basis which is like we're so fortunate Most people don't have a place where they can go where they're guaranteed to see people that they love and you're gonna have a good time and just be silly with each other And then you're watching all these sets everybody's going on stage with that energy and so there's all this killing in the air

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