Not my finest hour, that's for sure.

3 months ago

Well, first off. I kept back into and falling down a frick'n hole or lift shoot. I was focused on my targets that I kept falling down the frick'n hole in the middle of the floor. That an Barney Fife on the hammer that kept going POW, POW, POW! Like Deputy Fife bust'n up a sstill. All that being said it was more fun than playing with my bottom lip I guess. Well hope you all got a little chuckle out out it. I also hope that everyone has a great workweek.
If you'd like to buy me a slice of ☕️ or a cup of 🍕 feel free to do so at the link below. I greatly appreciate just you all liking,nsubscribing and watching. Anything else is above and beyond the COD. Thank you again for watching.

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