3 months ago

The person in this video is the epitome of why direct pro-active cognizant human intervention with these individuals and these situations is moot, futile and can do nothing to awaken them from being completely immersed and subjugated into the current mental instability of liberalism or the current left & far left mentality. As though they are firmed in concrete, they steadfastly mount and arm themselves with spoon-fed highly controlled & censored versions of facts that are lies, half-truths or not in full context. Then they stand as though it is 100% golden gospel, without researching & experiencing the other side of the argument using critical thought & nature’s designed (God given) grounded common sense, instead of their self-assigned deity style utopian mindsets that are more often than not…Godless. The responsibility lies solely upon them to see the whole truth and to see & acknowledge the signs that God has placed everywhere pointing and guiding them down the correct paths without infringing on the most blessed gift He has given humanity…Free Will. With this free will, you will sin, you will make mistakes, you are & will be imperfect as defined in much of the human consciousness! But God is watching to see what you do every time you hit these crossroads in life. All signs of guidance and answers are on Earth for everyone, it is up to you to ascertain the alertness and the responsibility, and the responsivity to receive it all. THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLITICAL SIDES. THIS IS ABOUT KNOWING THE TRUTH WHEN SURROUNDED BY ALL TRAINS OF THOUGHT AND STAYING CALIBRATED TO KNOW IT AND RECEIVE IT.

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