The Turkey Business 1930

3 months ago

Shows large flocks of domestic and wild turkeys in woodlands. A Pilgrim shoots a turkey which his wife cooks. Describes different breeds of turkeys. Maps the shift, caused by blackhead disease, of turkey production from New England to the Central States. Turkeys are driven to a Texas market and a turkey trot celebration is held. Describes how blackhead was checked. Maps the location of turkey cooperative marketing pools. An agent from a cooperative demonstrates proper methods of killing and plucking turkeys. Turkeys are rushed by train to consumers. A family carves and eats its turkey.

Creator: Department of Agriculture. Federal Extension Service. (01/02/1954 - 04/13/1970)

Series : Motion Picture Films, compiled ca. 1915 - ca. 1959
Record Group 33: Records of the Extension Service, 1888 - 2000

Production Date: 1930

Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RD-DC-M), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email:

National Archives Identifier: 7320
Local Identifier: 33.364

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