The Kay Griggs Interviews, Part 3/8 - Disclosure of the Global Cabal/Mafia (Timestamped)

3 months ago

The Kay Griggs Interviews, 1988, Part 3/8 - Disclosure of the Global Cabal/Mafia (Timestamped)

This series of interviews is probably one of the most important pieces of modern disclosure that's public into how the world actually works. Many of the "heroes" and celebrities of the "alternative media" sphere that are highly platformed (e.g. Whitney Webb, Alex Jones, Ian Carroll -- among many others), will not talk about this interview although they know of it.

In Webb's case, and I'm just using her as an example, she's from a wealthy "cabal" connected family and is a trust funder. Her publisher is Mint Pres which is tied to Chatham House/The Royal Institute of International Affairs, the policy arm of the Committee of 300. You'll get good info from her, but it's allowed info.

(08:50) Kay Griggs discusses the involvement of military generals (General Joy and General Steiner) in orchestrating violence, including events in Waco, and claims her husband trains mercenaries from various countries to commit murder, funded by taxpayers.

(10:35) She explains that these mercenaries are selected based on psychological profiles, often arising from troubled backgrounds, and drawing parallels between her husband and infamous figures like Lee Harvey Oswald and Timothy McVeigh, suggesting these individuals share a similar psychological makeup.

(12:14) Griggs describes meeting individuals involved in criminal activities, including assassins and drug lords, and emphasizes the narrative of her husband's transformation into a 'robotic' individual involved in a violent military culture that embraces existentialism, depravity, and manipulation.

(19:12) There are claims of a connection between the military and organized crime, including the Mafia, suggesting that retired military personnel often engage in drug trafficking and weapons sales, creating a corrupt cycle intertwined with US military operations.

(30:44) The interview highlights systemic abuse and cover-ups associated with pedophilia in secret societies, linking high-profile individuals, including Father George Bush, to child abuse and observing how these crimes are masked by powerful influences in society.

(35:33) Griggs recounts incidents of child sexual abuse linked to cults that reportedly exploit preschools for nefarious activities, asserting that fear prevents children from speaking out about their traumas, reinforcing a culture of silence surrounding these abuses.

(57:21) She shares personal experiences of threats to her life, detailing attempts on her life that she believes are linked to her exposing these truths, showcasing how her struggle for truth has resulted in dire consequences against her and her family.

(08:50) The men in black who killed those people in Waco, it was General Joy and General Steiner. Steiner's army, dirty tricks, special operations.
(09:57) And this is what my husband does for a living, is train mercenaries, young boys from countries like Romania, Cuba, I mean Dominican Republic, Haiti, all these countries. They're training them to be murderers. And the taxpayers' dollars are paying for this. Okay, now they train them just through the normal channels of the military. So the kids join the Army of the Rancor, and then they select these kids based on some criteria to train them?
(10:35) They psychologically profile them. The profile, which is similar to my husband's and Lee Harvey Oswald's and McVeigh's and some of the others who were all part of this program, Dommler, Jeffrey Dommler, was profiled and hidden. What most Americans do not know is that all of these men were Army. Jeffrey Dommler, he has a military background? Of course, they're all Army. They were all picked out because they're perverted or twisted.
(11:08) Sexually perverted? Sexually perverted and therefore, you know, Well, now I don't think McVeigh was perverted the way Dommler was, but certainly the group that my husband is overseeing are twisted. So part of the criteria, they look for people who have got something in their history that gives them a weird bend. Yeah. Like they were molested when they were a child or they come from dysfunctional families, abuse, whatever.
(11:39) Strong mother, weak father, no father, poor. Because these guys are looking for security, so they will stay in the military and do anything for that security. This was my husband's scenario. My husband and Oswald are just two peas in a pod. Exactly the same personality, the same type, in the same elite group, I might add, which was doing work with communists and Russians, with Czechoslovakians and with Romanians.
(12:14) I met assassins. I met drug lords. Fahim Cordobaoui, whose family were the drug lords in the Bekaa Valley. I mean, he knows the elite of the elite of the elite. And that's why I was warned twice not to talk. And you were warned? I was told that I would be killed. Your husband warned you about this? Oh, my husband warned me early on, but he knew that he loved me in the beginning. I'm sure he really did. But he's a robot, my husband, except when he's drinking.
(13:03) And I think that's why he drank, because the first three years of marriage, he was telling me everything. And I come from a very strong Protestant Southern culture, which, you know, when you're talking about shooting people like ducks, the only thing I can relate it to is my brother's going duck hunting, which is what George would tell me it was like. Killing is just, you know, it's nothing. There's no emotion involved.
(13:33) You just get rid of somebody. And he said he was an existentialist and that these murders were necessary. And, you know, very matter of fact. And I'd sort of go, uh-huh, yep, and we'd be eating dinner. I was just trying to get him to know Christ, you know, to sort of understand a little bit about my background and America's background. But his group, they are not Christians. They're what he calls existentialists.
(14:08) They study German Clausewitz and Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Montesquieu. And his thesis at Princeton, which was written for him by a very good friend of his named Todevay, who was a French count, and his thesis was on this. And it was supposedly it was in French, but my French is better than his. So he could not have written that by himself. I know that. I know it was written for him. But in the intelligence world and in the communist world and the world that my husband was in,
(14:58) one had to know French because all of the terrorist trainers and the guys who were funding all the guerrillas and everything were in Paris and New Orleans. They would go back and forth. Still, the 4th Marines is out of New Orleans, and that's been going on a long time, ever since Disraeli, even before, I think. But they had hit squads and, you know, undercover groups in New Orleans. And George would go to New Orleans, all the Marines.
(15:34) I mean, this is where they train, do terrorist training, Lake Pontchartrain and places like that. Okay, and then this would be during the 1980s? Yeah, 1980s. I think New Orleans has been a school for a place where debauchery and murder and cults. Flourished. Yeah. Well, there's a New Orleans connection with the JF Kennedy assassination. Well, you see, Oswald, my husband and Oswald were in the same club. General Jim Joy is in that club.
(16:14) General Louis Buell, who was my husband's benefactor or whatever you want to call it, is in that club. There is a—in fact, I've got the name of—there are Russians in that club. Yeah, feel free to grab any reference material. Yeah. What I want to tell you about General Al Gray, my husband was the chief of staff for General Al Gray, who was the commandant of the Marine Corps. And I probably shouldn't say this on the tape, and you all can get rid of it, but he's a homosexual.
(16:52) Gray. Gray. He's what they call a cherry Marine. Now, I'm not anti—I'm trying to find my—I hope I've got it. Yeah, here it is. The Vietnam War— Now, this term cherry Marine, is that a— Cherry Marine. That's a common phrase in the military. See, the thing is, I—you know, there are guys and there are girls, and I just came from such a real prudish culture, you know. That's fine. You came from a normal culture. And I'm not judging them, but they—
(17:34) The Vietnam War, I know a lot about that, about the MACSOG program and the Phoenix program, because George was involved with a very important part of that. Not important, really, but he and Al Gray and Louis Buell and Michael O'Boyle and Ollie Whipple were— Do you remember the Manguez and the Pueblo? Was it the— Oh, the seizure of that little ship? Yes. This was—it's run by the Mob then. It was a Mob military partnership, joint.
(18:28) It was a joint operation in Korea and in Vietnam. The highest levels of the Marine Corps and the Army in those special operations levels, the individuals are actually in the Mob. New Jersey— You're talking about the Mafia-type Mob? I'm talking about the Brooklyn, New Jersey Mob. My husband, Al Gray, Sheehan, they're all Brooklyn. Cap Weinberger, Heinz Kissinger. There's the Boston Mob, which was shipping weapons back and forth to Northern Ireland.
(19:12) And I don't want to get too deeply involved in that, but it goes— Israel, some of the Zionists who came over from Germany— Germany, according to my husband, works with those people. They do a lot of money laundering in the banks, cash transactions for the drugs that they are bringing over, through Latin America, the Southern Mafia, the Dixie Mafia, which is now my husband is involved with in Miami. The military are all involved once they retire.
(19:53) They go into this drug and secondary weapons sales. And before I forget, I want to find the name of this Russian who worked with Al Gray, who was my husband's boss, and I'm trying to see where I wrote it. I may have to look and find that another... There's no trouble at all. How are we doing over there, guys? Sound good? How much time is set rolled on the clock? On your clock? You can speak. 20 minutes. 20? Okay.
(20:42) Go ahead. I can't find it right now. I'll find it. Vietnam was really important because a lot of experiments were done on boys who went over there. Since my husband disappeared and since they have been psychologically trying to destroy me, financially trying to destroy me, because I'm telling the truth, his first wife I know was murdered. She was, according to a psychiatrist whose name I probably won't give because he's an
(21:28) honorable man. I was given permission before I went public with Sarah McClendon at the Press Club anonymously, but they knew who I was on the 3rd of July, 1996, was when I came out with a small group of people. But before that time, they were trying to handle me, to try and get me to be quiet. They tried threatening me and so forth. And I'm trying to remember where I was, the point I was going to make. I can't remember now what I was going to ... It was something important.
(22:18) Oh, yeah, General Jim Joy. I called General Jim Joy on the phone. I was trying to find where my husband was because I didn't know whether I had any money to eat, food to eat, or what. He just walked away and I knew that the Marine Corps knew where he was. But I was being handled psychologically. On the 4th of March, my home was broken into. They had elaborate plans to handle me. The 4th of March, 1996. 1996.
(22:53) And keep in mind, he had disappeared on the 28th of December. Of 96. Of 96, yeah, 96, 95. So put yourself in my shoes. I have no idea where he is. He's done this before, but in each time, I was totally traumatized. So I get ... What happened during this break-in? Well, they were looking for the diary, which I have here. I don't have the original copy, but this is the diary. Okay, can you lift it up so we can ...
(23:29) Yeah, sure. Yeah, just ... This is it. It's his Beirut diary. Can I hold this? Yeah. This is it. Okay. And it's in his handwriting. The Beirut diary tells how the intelligence community, the Army and Marine Corps assassins, snipers, how they operate in the city during a crisis. My husband was the liaison between the White House and President Jamal. So my husband is a friend of Scowcroft, McFarland's a Marine. All of these men are personal friends of George's.
(24:18) Colby, I spoke with personally on the phone. Two weeks later, he was murdered. He went to Princeton. My husband knew him. He knew my husband. He told me, Colby told me that ... Now, this is General Colby? No, this is William Colby, who was head of the CIA. Oh, okay. Yeah. Who was murdered in a ... So-called building accident. I know exactly how that happened because, you see, the SEAL teams, SEAL teams six, four,
(24:53) six and eight are on the East Coast, and then the odd numbers are on the West Coast. And some of the people who are affiliated with the SEALs, I shouldn't say that. I'm not going to say it, but ... It wouldn't be hard for a SEAL to come from underwater and tip the boat over and make sure the man's dead, that sort of thing? The Israelis train with the SEALs. They do a lot of wet-ups, murders, over here because of some sort of arrangement.
(25:31) The young boys ... I met three young assassins on a bus going up, back and forth to Sarah's. I went on the bus because they were sabotaging my car so often. So I sat next to two young assassins, one from Romania, one from Haiti, and I let them know that I understand how it is. And this little boy cried. I won't mention which one it was because it may get back to him. But he told me it was the same scenario.
(26:10) His mother, he lives on $850 a month. Now these are mercenaries working. The taxpayers are paying mercenaries. The taxpayers are paying young men who are not citizens of the United States to kill innocent people, women and children. They get on a flight from Norfolk in Oceania. They fly to Stuttgart, and I was told this is what they do. Then they go by a special helicopter to countries like Turkey, like the part of Iraq, to Algeria,
(27:01) to parts of Africa, and they do wet-ups. They'll just, you know, murder 5, 10, 20 people. And then they blame it on the Arabs, or they blame it on somebody else, but it's actually NATO rogue assassins because there are men from Australia, South Africa, Britain that I've been able to determine. And a lot of these other little countries that are sort of wanting to get into NATO, they have little boys that they pick out, and they call them special.
(27:47) They use the word special, meaning elite, irregular, in order to entice these boys because they don't have much ego. So if you call being a criminal, in other words, they are protected. They know that they are above the law. That's what they... My husband's above the law. Judge John Moore is above the law. Colonel Barry Cantor, my husband's JAG colonel lawyer, is above the law. Grover Wright, Marine Corps, all of these, a lot of these guys who were judges, had their
(28:25) wives gotten rid of. Judge John Moore had his first wife thrown into a mental institution before he became a judge. He battered her. And I spoke with a man who has a purple heart, two people who knew Hannah very well. And Hannah Moore was deeply in love with her husband. He got back from Vietnam. He was an Army Ranger. He battered her. He physically and psychologically abused her. And she started screaming, you know, doing what I, because I was battered and bruised.
(29:06) A lot of wives are by these Vietnam vets, but if they're a colonel or if they're a rising star, the wife has got to be crazy because they've got too much invested in these men. And it's a very small cult. I mean, they, I have heard the things that they do when they're colonels. It's some of the same things that they do in cap and gown, which is the Princeton version of skull and bones. My husband went to Princeton after he went to the Huns' school for four years.
(29:45) Okay, now we should probably clarify a little bit about, you mentioned skull and bones and many of the people wouldn't be familiar with that and the cap and gown. So what are these clubs that these young inductees are pulled into? Secret societies? Secret societies. And again, is this to make them feel super special? Yes. And also put a control on them so that you never tell these secrets? Yes. That's it. You have got it.
(30:19) You know, I've heard a lot of child molesters. I mean, people who are not connected with the military, just plain old child molesters, they'll molest a child and then tell them, now, if you ever tell, you know, they'll take a cat and strangle it and kill it or something. This is what I'm going to do to your mother. This is what I'll do to you. Bad things will happen if you ever tell. That's right. And children grow up believing that I must never ever tell and they don't generally unless
(30:44) someone comes along to help them see the light and come out of it. And what happens is that you have the cover up. There are so many stories where the story of this Satanism and this child abuse starts to come to light and immediately the lid goes on because the system controls the various aspects that can keep the lid on. This is just one example. There's endless numbers around the world. The Franklin cover up.
(31:09) It was an investigation by this guy, John W. DeCamp, who was former state senator in Nebraska. And he started investigating this guy, Lawrence King, a major Republican who sang the American national anthem in 1984 and 1988, I think it was, at the Republican convention. And he was investigating him for financial fraud through an organization called the Franklin Savings and Loans. But then he discovered that he's running a pedophile ring and providing children for
(31:40) the biggest names in America. And he wrote this book, the Franklin cover up, child abuse, Satanism, again they go together all the time, and murder in Nebraska. And what happened? Some of it got into this Washington Times, a mainstream newspaper, the connection to the Reagan-Bush administration, but most of it was totally covered up. I've been writing in my books now since 1998 that Father George Bush is a notorious pedophile,
(32:11) child torturer, child killer, and serial killer of adults as well. Said it on American radio. Still waiting for a response. And this is one example, a lady who became a friend of mine, Kathy O'Brien, who was in the American government mind control project since she was a kid, and met her many times, she still corresponds with me now and again, and I've met a daughter that she was talking about, lovely, lovely girl, totally shattered by these people.
(32:41) And that's one example of millions and millions that are going on around the world. And this is what she said in a book, Transformation of America, Kelly's bleeding rectum was but one of many physical indicators of George Bush's pedophile perversions. I have overheard him speak blatantly of his sexual abuse of her on many occasions. He used this and threats to her life to pull my strings and control me.
(33:05) The psychological ramifications of being raped by a pedophile president are mind-shattering enough, but reportedly Bush further reinforced the traumas to Kelly's mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind control devices. Bush also instilled the who you're gonna call and I'll be watching you binds on Kelly, further reinforcing her state of helplessness. The systematic tortures and trauma that I endured as a child now seem trite by comparison,
(33:32) they're not, I know what she went through, to the brutal physical and psychological devastation that George Bush inflicted on my daughter. And that's just one of these people involving one of the victims of this. It's incredible, the scale of it, and it's going on in this country. And what happens? The war goes up. This is what de Camp found. Suddenly ranks are pulled in and the media won't touch it, the social services won't
(34:01) touch it, the police won't touch it, politicians won't touch it. It's the blueprint, it's how it works. And the Discovery Channel program, produced by Yorkshire Television, was about to go to air, exposing that Franklin cover-up and the pedophile connections, bingo, it was censored and pulled just before it was going to air. Never to see the light of day, although you can get it on the internet, because one copy
(34:26) survived. Okay, that tells you a little bit about the cults and satanic cults and preschools. By the way, Dr. Roland Summitt, psychiatrist at UCLA, has told me that he's also involved in these issues, that he has intelligence information and otherwise, that there are more than 50 preschools around the country where they claim that there's been sexual ritual abuse, and tunnels are located under the schools, more than 50 of them.
(35:00) The McMartin family traveled all over the world because they were experts in putting preschools together, organizing them, showing them how to build the schools and so forth. There were more than 5,500 children went through this McMartin school from the time it was built in 1966 until 1983, when this incident was alleged to have taken place. The cults use these two, three, and four-year-old children for several purposes.
(35:33) Number one, they use them for pornography, pornographic films, there's a lot of money, ten billion dollars a year, pornographic business in this country. They use them in their initiation, they consider them initiated into the cult, even though their parents don't know about it, and they use them as part of their ceremonies, in other words, they need children in certain ceremonies. Now I've been asked, I've been told, well now don't tell me the kids, if they witnessed
(36:04) a human sacrifice or the sacrifice of a baby, that they wouldn't go home and tell their parents about it. But I'll tell you what a little girl in the McMartin case told me, and she, actually she told her mother and her mother told me. She told her mother that she witnessed these sacrifices, and that on one occasion after her mother dropped her off in the morning and before the mother picked her up at night,
(36:31) she was taken to her bedroom, back to her home, they went into the house, they sexually molested her in the home, in the bedroom, they left a little token there, they took her little baby kitten, took the kitten into the school, and had a ceremony of sacrifice the kitten in front of her. Then they told the little girl, they said, if you talk to your mother or your father, we're going to do this to your mother, your father, and your little brother.
(36:57) Now don't tell me that a kid's going to talk under those conditions, they're petrified. They also talked about men coming in and sexually molesting them, dressed in police uniforms, dressed as Santa Claus, and so forth. I'm sorry to say that the Bureau has changed, there's no question about it. The FBI today, in 1996, is being used by the politicians to further their gains and their goals. So, there are a few things that have happened to me, some major matters that have happened
(37:30) to me since my retirement. Most recently, I was giving a lecture in Las Vegas, and I sat at the head table next to a gentleman, and this gentleman in his day had been in Naval Intelligence, and he was telling me that on December the 4th, 1941, three days before Pearl Harbor, he was in the communications room in Washington, D.C., a Naval Intelligence officer, and we received, the U.S.
(38:00) government received a communication, an intercept of Japanese message that had been sent, and we had broken the Japanese code, and this message stated that we were going to bomb Pearl Harbor on December the 7th. He was very elated to have received this, he passed it up to his superior, his superior passed it on. After the war was over, he came back to Washington, D.C., and was told he was going to have to testify. They had a congressional hearing on this. He was given a subpoena. His boss called him in and said, even though you have a subpoena, you're not going to testify,
(38:37) and he said, well, I don't understand this. He says, look, you don't understand. The Kay Griggs Interviews-1998-Satanism in the Military-1998-Satanism in the Military-1998-Satanism He told me that in the spring of 1973, we had bombed all of the North Vietnamese supply lines. We had mined their harbors.
(39:08) They were cut off and one of his associates was in the communication room in Saigon and this is, of course, a classified job, and when he was in this room he received this message from the North Vietnamese, we surrender unconditionally. He passed it on to his superiors and all army personnel were immediately ushered out and replaced by state department personnel. It was shortly thereafter that Kissinger met with the North Vietnamese officials in Paris, France. Why do these things happen? Why did we not take advantage of the advance notice of Pearl Harbor? And why is it necessary for us to be a subservient to North Vietnam when we obviously have won? I think at the end of this lecture you may have the answer. In fact, I'm sure you'll have the answer. I think you'll understand much better than you do and have in recent years.
(40:15) And you see, my husband is frightened to death. I believe that his brother was murdered to keep him in because he had gone through four years of this mine control and the man who did it, you can see this on the video, his name was Charles Caddock and another man named Alexander Robinson. Okay, Charles Caddock. Caddock. And the other one? Alexander Robinson. Alexander Robinson was a Marine, very well connected Presbyterian family, whose family member was the influential one who brought over the Saudis.
(41:00) The original Saudi head of Saudi Arabia was very, George told me all this about Mohammed Faisal, Khalid Faisal, and Saud Faisal. And there were something like 32 brothers of the then, in the mid-50s, the ordained, you know, whoever was head of Saudi Arabia. It was actually the United States who chose that person because the United States, through Charles Caddock and that group, murdered the good one, the one who was, whom everybody liked, who was well educated, and who was normal.
(41:49) In, I believe it was 1952, 1953, 1954, in Paris, the universal Saudi, the well educated Saudi, was poisoned. And what was his name? Charles Caddock. I don't suppose it's all that important, but anyway. I'm trying to remember. I think it was Fahim, or I, he died in Paris. And so his brother, his half brother or whatever, who was the father of all these 32 boys, and the three oldest now, were snuck into the United States.
(42:33) I have a degree in history, Virginia history, undergraduate degree, and masters in Scottish history, and being a southerner, we always look at, you know, past is prologue. And I jumped into the Saudi Arabian books to try and find out something about the Hun School, which is in Princeton, started by a physicist connected with Einstein in that group. So I was looking for the Hun School because I knew they went there.
(43:10) And they're in all the brochures. They're very proud to say, you know, we have the Saudi royals went here. President Cheeseborough brags about going over there and being wined and dined, and you know. So I only found one reference, but it was a reference that said something like they went to a prep school in the United States, that's all they said. Well, it was the Hun School, and my husband was one of the playmates.
(43:42) Charles Caddock was the bodyguard, quote unquote, teacher for these guys. So they would go out and play in the woods, and they were doing homosexual things with them, you know. I mean, they were, there was a lot of money, they bought a big house, and so. Okay, now, I was momentarily distracted. Okay. Explain to me a little bit about this, the homosexual event here. Well, George, for the first three years of our marriage, was drinking entirely too much.
(44:23) And he was trying to let me know about his world, and I'm not judging him. He's a bisexual, I believe. Okay, and he needed help. He needed help, he needed love. He still does. He still does. He really needs help, and the handlers knew that I was changing him. I was taking him away from this crazy cult that he'd been in all these years. And, I mean, we were going to church. He even walked down the aisle one time when Tony Evans preached at Scope.
(45:04) I mean, he was overwhelmed. At Scope? At Scope in Norfolk, it's a big auditorium. Okay. And so, but he was a little boy when he was, it's mind control. MK Ultra, somebody said. They had a group of men, psychiatrists in New Jersey. I don't know where this place was, but they would go. And even his roommates in Princeton told me about it. George never, intentionally, he never introduced me to any of his friends.
(45:48) So I had to cold call all these people. I got their names and addresses, telephone numbers. I called all these roommates at the Hun School and at Princeton. They told me things about George and, you know, holding hands with Caddock and other people about being a cheerleader and going off and so forth. A cheerleader, this is kind of a trade name, right? He was a cheerleader for the... At Princeton. At Princeton.
(46:21) And he traveled with the football team. Okay. And here is a guy like that. They put him in the Marine Corps. I don't think that was very nice. Do you know what I'm saying? It was hard for him. But it was part of the long-term vision. Absolutely. They wanted him long-term, and it's because of the Saudis. This is what I believe and what his roommate believes. He had a roommate at Princeton who was also at the Hun who's a dear, dear, wonderful.
(47:01) His mother is an Anglican. His father was a Jewish doctor from Brooklyn. And Jack is a dear, and we talked to each other a lot on the phone. George sort of dismissed him because George was getting in with another crowd. George got into Cap and Gown, which is the same kind of fraternity. I mean, it's an eating club at Princeton for intelligence officers. It's Cap and Gown. Was there anybody involved that wasn't intelligence-oriented?
(47:37) Football players and so forth. But I have a feeling that Cap and Gown has a lot of intelligence officers and boys who may have been raped. Of course, they never talk about it. But I know that the initiation is they get very drunk, and even in the Marine Corps they do that. They're signing in. They have the shellback ceremony. They do a lot of homosexual enticement. The boys are, when they come in, when they're new recruits,
(48:16) they strip them nude. They violate their personal privacy. The Kay Griggs Interviews-1998-Satanism in the Military-1998-Satanism in the Military-1998-Satanism The Kay Griggs Interviews-1998-Satanism in the Military-1998-Satanism in the каче And I know a lot about the, see I never, I never put, I never thought about group sex.
(49:35) This is so awful for me to contemplate that these orgies are going on all over the Mediterranean. That the captains, lieutenants, the men who rise to the top are the ones who are picked to play the games, the pool parties, the nude pool parties. And they have secretaries who come in, I've talked to three guys, and of course my husband, who went to these parties. But what they do is, and this is General Al Gray, who was the main prime mover.
(50:11) They would go to a place like Esle-Rosé, where Charles Caddock, this teacher who inducted, got my husband into it. He retired in one of these all-male party houses on the Mediterranean. I mean that's where he, and my husband kept up with him all through the years. But these sex parties and orgies, they're all homosexual in nature, or is there some heterosexual? Well they start off, they start off with the wild secretaries.
(50:41) It's kind of, you know, my husband did those in Indonesia. He did them in a place in Northern Virginia with his first wife. I did not know any of this. I knew absolutely none of this when I married him. He told me he was loyal to his wife, he wanted me to think he was just apple pie, because I'm just a one-man woman. When I took that oath to marry him, love, honor, and obey, that's me. But he, when he was married to his first wife, was just an addict.
(51:22) He was a sexual addict, an alcoholic addict. He loves, you know, terror, and his whole little soul was just being sucked away from him, desperately. And he really, he needs Christ. He needed me day in and day out. He did not need to be, what he's doing now is running more of these operations. You know, as you describe this, I can't help but think of Bill Clinton. Well, of course he was, he was one of those profile boys.
(51:58) But the difference between Bill Clinton, and I'm not saying Bill Clinton's better, but Bill Clinton did not go, he didn't know anything about the assassinations. Bill Clinton, when I was living with Sarah McClendon, the senior White House correspondent who saved my life, because she said, Mrs. Griggs, you get up here to Washington right now, or you're dead. You're going to be dead. And I still feel as though I probably will be.
(52:30) I'll certainly be financially ruined. They are still doing psychological operations in my home, sabotaging my car, messing with my telephone, my radio. You cannot believe what I've been through in the last two years. It is, it is horrible. And it's being done to other women and other wives and other men who don't go along with the program. They are murdering Marines, they're murdering sailors. These are the tactics that they use.
(53:12) They criticize the government, at least some of the people that they pull out of the woodwork, in order that they will be accepted in patriot circles. And then these people criticize people like me. They think they can be accepted, and it discredits me. Now, is this COINTELPRO program, and this disinformation program on the Internet, has it affected my life? You bet it has. Because I'm not being invited to these big conferences anymore where I could give a lecture in front of three, four, five hundred people.
(53:49) This is exactly what the rogue, covert, criminal government enterprise wants. That's why they do it. So, what's the reward for me? Now, I'm going to tell you what's happened to me in the last thirty years. And I'm not telling you this because I'm looking for pity, or I'm looking for sympathy, or anything. These are facts. Anyway, what's happened to me, I've had three contracts on my life. I've had two other probable contracts.
(54:25) And I will give you just a little detail about the contracts that were put on me, so that you will understand it's not just talk right off the top of my head. I might mention that in two of these instances, through divine intervention, I did not go home. I lived in 500 South Kelton in Westwood. This was in the 1980s, or mid-1980s. And I had a door, I lived in a triplex, and my door opened up onto the street.
(55:00) The landlady who lived behind me on the second floor came home one morning, 1.30 in the morning. And here's two guys sitting across from my front door in a car. And one of them gets out and walks over to her. Do you know where Ted Gunterson lives? And I told her, if anybody ever asks about me, you don't know me. And of course, she said no. She didn't know. Well, she told me that the next day. And I made some phone calls, and I learned that there was a contract on me.
(55:32) And fortunately, I do have some good sources, and it's kept me alive. But what really has kept me alive is on that particular night, I didn't go home. I stayed at a friend's house at the last minute. So I say, through divine intervention, that I didn't go home on that particular night. So one of my contacts says, I used to work with, and he gave me his name, who is known as the Cocaine King of the West Coast.
(56:06) Let me go talk to him. Let's go talk to him. So there were one, two, three, four of us, and we went to talk to the, quote, Cocaine King of the West Coast. And we go in. A fellow comes to the door, lets us in. We had an appointment. It was on a Monday. He escorts us into the parlor, and then he takes us from the parlor into another room. And we sit down, and a little dog comes in, about this big, and smelled all of us, and sat down at my feet, and went to sleep.
(56:48) And the, quote, Cocaine King of the West Coast comes in, looks at the four of us. My dog likes you. I like you. And I'm saying, I'm sure happy about that. To myself, of course. So the Cocaine of the West Coast tells the other three to scat out of the room, and sits down with me, and he says, how many children do you have? Well, I know what the message meant. You know, if you screw up, your kids' lives are in danger.
(57:21) And I told him, and he pulls this artist's conception out. He had a copy of the artist's conception. And he said, who gave this to you? If you're going to do harm to him, I'm not going to tell you. I'll take the heat myself. And he was kind of miffed about that. He said, I didn't say I was going to do anything to him. I said, okay, promise you won't, and I'll tell you. So I told him this story about the accountant, and so on and so forth.
(57:43) And he said, okay. He said, let me make a phone call. I'll be right back. So he left the room, and he came back. He says, you're right. You got hit on you. I can take care of one of them. I can't take care of the other one. I said, well, I got two hits on me.

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