ISRAEL'S Allies Just Picked a Fight With Iran & BLEW IT!

2 months ago

Right, so this was such an opportunity, this held so much promise and yet, as always seems to happen, you let the wrong people stick their noses in, interfere and things go pear shaped. So it has gone with the recent news that Iran were prepared to negotiate with the UN’s nuclear watchdog the IAEA in good faith, to head off those accusations from Israel and it’s allies that they were attempting to enrich uranium in order to develop nuclear weapons, something Iran has been working to actually rid the Middle East of and develop a nuclear free zone since 1974 and which the Ayatollah rulers of Iran have had a fatwa in place against the development of such pointlessly powerful weapons since the 1990’s.
Well the West must ensure that Iran remains the global bogeyman it seems, any hint of reason apparently needs to be headed off for Israel’s sake and as a result, a small group of the usual suspects out forward a motion so offensive to Iran, that not only have Iran now walked away from the negotiating table, they’ve gone home and set about increasing their Uranium enrichment capacity instead. Good job guys!
Right, so this is so typical of Western interference, that when a golden opportunity was set before the UN and in particular the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, which already had a ropey relationship with Iran as it was, to get the theocratic state to open up more about the nature of its uranium enrichment activities and open up they had, the Director General of the IAEA Rafael Grossi and a small team were able to not only speak to Iran, but actually went there, toured two sites, looking at Iran’s enrichment facilities and centrifuge machines used in the process and it seemingly went well. Grossi apparently pushed for a temporary halt, not ban to enrichment of uranium past 60% as a goodwill gesture from Iran, to pave the way for further interaction and Iran agreed to this. All going well, all looking really quite positive, the very next day following the visit, Iran began preparations for curbing it’s stockpile of enriched uranium, that had been enriched to 60%, which is well beyond what is required for energy purposes, but stops short of what is required to create weapons and as Is aid previously Iran has had these commitments to not develop nuclear weapons in place for a long time, the enrichment to 60% therefore might mean on one hand they may go there anyway, or have simply developed it to that point as a warning against those widely critical of Iran. No intention perhaps to develop nuclear weapons, but having the capability acting much in the same way, the same argument I suppose that nuclear armed nations use for the sake of having these weapons, as a deterrent. None of that takes away from the fact that Iran let the UN in, let the IAEA in, let them look around, agreed to a concession and all things ended seemingly quite amiably.
And then the West stuck it’s nose in, in the form of the so called E3 nations, namely the UK, France and Germany.
One of the conditions for Iran agreeing to curb its enrichment of uranium, was to do away with an upcoming censure motion against Iran. Reuters picked up the story as this excerpt shows:
‘One of two confidential International Atomic Energy Agency reports to member states, both seen by Reuters, said Iran had offered not to expand its stock of uranium enriched to up to 60% purity, near the roughly 90% of weapons grade, and had made preparations to do that.
The offer is conditional, however, on Western powers abandoning their push for a resolution against Iran at this week's quarterly meeting of the IAEA's 35-nation Board of Governors over its lack of cooperation with the IAEA, diplomats said, adding that the push was continuing regardless.
Iran's Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi told his French counterpart Jean-Noel Barrot that the push from France, Germany and Britain to submit a resolution against Tehran would "complicate matters" and contradict the "positive atmosphere created between Iran and the IAEA", the Iranian foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
During IAEA chief Rafael Grossi's trip to Iran last week, "the possibility of Iran not further expanding its stockpile of uranium enriched up to 60% U-235 was discussed," read one of the two quarterly IAEA reports.
It added that the IAEA had verified Iran had "begun implementation of preparatory measures". A senior diplomat added that the pace of enrichment to that level had slowed, a step necessary before stopping.’
So what did the E3 do of course? Pushed ahead with their censure motion anyway. All the goodwill, all the good work, completely undone by three countries who are massive allies of Israel, which I’m sure had absolutely nothing to do with it, given Israel’s eternal squawking that Iran is a nuclear threat, all despite Israel being the only actual nuclear weapons possessing nation in the Middle East and a nation who’s scale of nuclear capability is a complete unknown because they haven’t been made to sign up to checks and balances themselves, something that ought to concern the UN a great deal more, but again, cover is always provided for Israel and despite Iran’s willingness and openness, this censure motion went forward anyway, calling out Iran and berating them in a manner similar to previous censure motions made against Iran by the E3 back in November 2022 and June of this year, it repeated demands that Iran supply ‘technically credible explanations’ for the uranium traces that had been detected and allow IAEA scientists to take samples. The IAEA must also be allowed to compile:
‘A comprehensive and updated assessment on the possible presence or use of undeclared nuclear material in connection with past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran's nuclear program, including a full account of Iran's cooperation with the IAEA on these issues.’
Iran had literally just let the IAEA in, opened dialogue, allowed them to tour facilities, made an agreement they were already acting upon in capping enrichment of uranium past 60% in exchange for no censure motion and these idiots in the West did it anyway, knowing Iran would react, they said they would, goodwill has to work both ways after all and react they have.
Instead of easing off, as soon as news broke that the censure motion had been put forward by the E3 and that the IAEA membership board, represented by 35 different nations had voted it through by 19 votes to 3 with 12 abstentions. One nation, Venezuele was absent, the 3 nations who voted against censure, being Russia, China and Burkina Faso just for clarity. All of this just underlines exactly why Iran have such issues with the IAEA and despite Rafael Rossi saying any censure would be problematic because he was making some headway, well that is one of putting it. You can’t get everything all in one go, not with a state with every reason not to trust you and you’ve just proven their point.
The IAEA censured Iran for a lack of co-operation when they were co-operating. You know a cynic might think it’s a convenience to have Iran perceived as a global threat and enemy and that keeping them there is more important than peace and de-escalation. Am I being too cynical to think that? The alternative is that the UN is full of biased idiots and well, frankly those two possibilities aren’t actually mutually exclusive.
Well the net result is that Iran have brought online all new and advanced centrifuges to commence uranium enrichment once more. This excerpt from Al Jazeera’s coverage picks the story up:
‘Iran has said it will activate “new and advanced” centrifuges in response to a resolution adopted by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) board censuring it for lack of cooperation.
The motion was put forward by France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States at the 35-nation board of the United Nations nuclear watchdog and follows a similar one in June, criticised then by Iran as “hasty and unwise”.
The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the passing of the resolution and said on Friday that Iran’s nuclear chief Mohammad Eslami had issued orders to launch new and advanced centrifuges, powerful machines that spin rapidly to enrich uranium.
The joint statement added that “technical and safeguards cooperation with the IAEA will continue, as in the past” and within the framework of agreements made by Iran.’
What a waste of time and energy that censure motion was. Having done it twice before and knowing it sets back diplomacy with Iran over their nuclear enrichment program each time, they did it again.
To argue against this being politically motivated, especially given the US were also heavily playing up passing this censure motion, sticking their nose in as well is for the birds. Of course it is, there was no reason whatsoever to not show some goodwill on the part of the IAEA as well, given how positive that visit by Rossi and his team had been.
Now there’s an argument for saying Iran reacting like this plays into Western hands, plays into the narrative that they are a rogue state, but again, I don’t think they come out worse here, not when Western nations are already damned in the eyes of so many people around the world for ongoing support for Israel. Given Israel has beef with Iran, their allies do too. Instead of looking to mitigate a potential borderline new nuclear power, by ensuring safeguards and the right checks and balances are in place, they’ve played politics with it instead and now Iran are enriching uranium again and may well go beyond 60% now, further towards the 90% needed for nuclear weapons and whether you believe Iran would produce weapons with that should they get there or just enrich to that point because they can to send a message, it was all totally avoidable and the E3, along with the United States as usual, should shoulder the blame if Iran do indeed work towards that goal now. You had a golden opportunity to put global safety first and you turned it into a political stunt. Slow hand clap for Western leaders folks.
It isn’t just me that has pointed out the hypocrisy of giving Israel a free pass over nuclear capabilities and coming down hard on Iran, because Iran have pointed out the obvious themselves, exposing the Israeli exceptionalism as this video recommendation here will tell you all about as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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