Shopping Trips with Mamma: A Test of Patience and Stamina 🤣🤣🤣

2 months ago

Shopping Trips with Mamma: A Test of Patience and Stamina 🤣🤣🤣

Taking Mamma shopping is like embarking on a slow-motion adventure you never signed up for. I swear, watching her decide between two brands of laundry detergent feels like observing a National Geographic special on "The Reluctant Decision-Maker in the Wild." She picks up one, reads the label, puts it back, picks the other, and eventually decides... to take neither.

Meanwhile, I’m standing there, tired from school, trying not to turn into a fossil. You’d think it’d get better once we hit the shoe aisle—nope! Trying on every pair of slippers like she’s auditioning for Cinderella: The Golden Years.

And let’s not talk about the cashier line. Why? Because Mamma needs to dig through her abyss of a purse for the exact amount. It’s like watching someone look for buried treasure, except no one’s getting rich here.

If I hear her say, “Wait, just one more store!” one more time, I might dramatically throw myself into a pile of Ukay-ukay.

#shoppingwithmamma #patiencelevelzero #speedofsnail #whyamihere #justbuyitalready #letsgoalready #marketday #notfun #saveme #someonehelpme #shopping #CagayandeOro #mylife

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