The ONE WORLD ORDER IS HERE. U.N. Pact of the Future - by “The Silence Procedure” ~ Dr Tenpenny (09/23/24)

1 month ago

“United under UN Tyranny”

The UN Pact of the Future is perhaps best explained by Dr. Sherry Tenpenny. She explains in simple terms the way the Pact was ratified and what appalling elements for humanity’s future it contains.

The Pact was approved during the weekend 22 / 23 September 2024, by all 193 UN member countries, by a procedure called “The Silence Procedure” — it is not by vote, but by non-objection. It is a Pact, and if nobody objects it is automatically adopted.

A pact is a formal agreement between two or more parties, often used in a less formal context than a treaty. A Pact can refer to agreements in various fields, including politics and personal relationships. A Pact, generally implies a mutual commitment but is not legally binding.

In the part of informality lies our chance. But only if and when sovereign countries decide to renegue on the Pact.

Nevertheless, it was accepted – worldwide – by the West and the East, or Global South, meaning for the West primarily the US and Europe, and for the East by China and Russia.

How many of the 193 members have been coerced not to object?

Adversaries and even enemies have united under a UN tyranny for the future.

What does that say for our globe of freedom loving people – about 8 billon of us?

Outright enslavement in a Digital Gulag, if we, the People, let it go.

The guess is up to you. But it means, it is futile to think there is still hope for escaping to the Global South. They too have accepted the UN Pact for the Future.

It is the World Health Organization’s (WHO) runaround and go-around. Since the Pandemic Treaty was not accepted by the World Health Assembly (WHA) this past May, they took it to the UN. It is even more egregious than the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the new WHO International Health Regulations (IHR) combined.

The UN Pact consists of two parts, one on Science and Technology, and the other on Youth and Future Generations. In the Press Release (23.9.2024) after the UN Summit for the World of the Future, the language is typically UN wishy-washy, so it can be interpreted in many directions.

Reality is different.

The Pact says that this is the power structure for the control of the masses. Everyone is expected to have a biometric digital ID that marks them not only as a citizen of an individual country but as a global citizen.

Anytime you hear “global” or “sustainability,” it refers to the UN Agenda 2030, and to the new WHO horrifying power (the Pandemic Treaty formulated differently) to control and brand us, if necessary, with deadly vaccines.

Anyone who has a dissenting opinion will be labeled conspiracy theorist, as in misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation, and will be censored.

Perpetrators will be “fact-checked” and punished by the system, operated, and enforced by artificial intelligence (AI).

Punishment will include being locked out of your bank account, unable to make certain purchases, unable to get on an airplane, subway, or other public transportation system, or drive on public roads.

This is the future according to the world’s self-appointed overlords at the United Nations, consisting of unelected technocrats, put into their places because of their obedience to the powers behind the UN overlords.

They have been chosen to make decisions above our countries and individual sovereignties around the world. If they fail to execute their orders, they are “gone”.

One may ask, who or what is the tremendous power behind these visible institutions like the UN system, WEF and others, of unconscious, unelected bureaucrats, and technocrats, who play along with the system because they believe they will be protected by it?

If these UN bureaucrats and implanted so-called leaders of UN member countries, who consented to the Pact, knew how wrong they are in believing that by promising obedience they are protected – once they become “useless eaters”, replaced by AI and a fully digitized world mechanism, or they may think a wrong thought, they are doomed.

Yes, indeed, “mind reading” is part of the future all-digitization and AI – you may call it the Digital Gulag. See this for the WEF’s plan and this.

Well, the question of the practically invisible powers behind it all – will the former French President Jacques Chirac maybe give a partial answer?

If we call today’s Israel Zionist-Israel striving for a Greater Israel, we might as well consider Mr. Chirac’s notion of Israel being the 51st State of the US. They control the western monetary system, which is a giant, oversized Ponzi-scheme, created to serve the purpose of sub-doing the world.

Remember the 1913 passed Federal Reserve Act which allowed the creation of this monetary Ponzi-scheme, was initiated in December 1911 by Free Masons and Zionists, Jewish and non-Jewish mega-banking interests.

This monetary system has also allowed the proliferation of multi-billionaires, including those controlling the world’s foremost banking and financial institutions. Taking advantage of the people’s greed, they are using the new-old God, money, for controlling the world.

In the meantime, wars must go on. Not only to increase wealth for and through the war industry, but also for distraction.

For example, Israeli PM Netanyahu has given the order to launch the attack on Lebanon from his hotel room in New York City, upon which Germany is evacuating diplomats and families from Lebanon, and Iran is readying her troops to fight in Lebanon. See this.

Could there be even a larger movement behind this UN Pact assault on 8 billion people?

Now, it is important to get prepared with food, water, flashlights, digital access (?), or other means to communicate with family and friends, like old-style landlines.

Now would be the time to do something, if We, the People do not want to be enslaved by the UN Pact for the Future. We must mobilize and go forward, acting with our communities, our friends.

For years we have been talking about the onset of a “One World Order, One World Government”, One World Religion, One World Money – it is no longer coming; it is already here.

Collective consciousness is the first step to stop it, get out of the system, by creating a new and coming world of sovereignty and freedom.

Starting from scratch may not be as hard as it seems, considering our generations of experience and creative minds.

It could start with a strong anti-globalist behavior: Local production for local consumption with local money and local sovereign public banking – and trading with neighbors and think-alikes…. a dynamic, slowly but surely growing movement.

Dr Sherri Tenpenny
The United Nations ‘Pact for the Future’ (#OurCommonFuture) represents an unconstitutional effort to establish a treaty that undermines the sovereignty of the United States by allowing international organizations to declare a global state of emergency without our consent. This is detrimental not only to the U.S. but also to the entire world.

Listen. Share. Take action.

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