5/6 Freemasons:New Age:frm Mme Blavatsky to Oprah Winfrey

3 months ago

From the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky to New Age spiritualisms. Rituals.
#newage, #spirituality, #spiritualism, #theosophy, #freemasons, #rituals, #lucifer, #bathomet,
People mentioned: Helena Blavatsky, Albert Leighton Rawson, James Randy, Henry Steel Olcott, Anne Kingsford, Alfred Percy Sinnett, Richard Hodgson, Annie Besant, Charles Leadbeater, Yidu Chrisnamurti, Rudolph Steiner, Georg Gurdjieff,
Authors: "Madame Blavatsky Baboon", by Peter Washington
Rene Guenon: "Theosophy: a history of a pseudo religion"
Marlyn Ferguson: "The Aquarian Conspiracy"

Thank you to experts Prof Manuel Guerra and Pro. Barcena, both expert of the subject of FreeMasonry, and their many books and interviews.

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