When Does the Day Begin?

3 months ago

One division of time that most would think is simplistic, is ‘When Does the Day Begin’. Ask any child and they will tell you that the day begins when the sun comes up; and doesn’t the Messiah tell us to be childlike? Yet, many adults hotly debate this very question every day. Let us then go directly to the instructions themselves to find the answer this question.

We are keepers of the mo’edim of our CREATOR- which are eternally fixed dates, dependent on the cyclic movements of the sun and observed in heaven and on earth.

The Priestly Calendar is recorded in Scripture and the Dead Sea scrolls-
For it is the unchangeable calendar of heavenly origin, based on the fixed eternal cyclic pattern of the sun. Representing an immutable relationship between the Sabbaths and ordained festivals in heaven and on earth which are agriculturally based.
To learn more go to - REMNANToftheLIGHT.net

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