Liberal Pink Hat Lady: HILARIOUS Post-Election Saga Continues

1 month ago

The Liberal Pink Hat Lady who melted down on Election Night and beyond provided incredible comedy gold. Her meltdown, revealed in its entirety EXCLUSIVELY on the DUmmie FUnnies proved to be incredibly popular. In fact, may your humble correspondent be bold enough to proclaim that this was perhaps the BEST of the Election 2024 meltdown videos of them all. Yes, there was the Champagne Victory Bottle Lady, Dr. Arlene, in which she smugly declared the election already won. In fact, the DUmmie FUnnies covered that and her video of just after the election in which Dr. Arlene appeared to be completely bummed out. However I think the post-election reaction of Dr. Arlene was waaay overmatched by the Liberal Pink Hat Lady which was so wild that it was epic. You can watch it at my DUmmie FUnnies Rumble channel below. On my DUmmie FUnnies YouTube Channel that video garnered as of this writing over 180,000 views and is still garnering between 300 to 500 views per hour. The reason for the link to Rumble only is because I want my YouTube viewers to discover my Rumble DUmmie FUnnies videos because there are many there that are NOT uploaded to YouTube due to the severe CENSORSHIP regime at YouTube. Hopefully that censorship will be rectified after this January 20 for obvious reasons but in the meantime if you are YouTubers missing out on many of my BEST videos then check out the DUmmie FUnnies videos on Rumble.

Back to the Liberal Pink Hat Lady. The good news is she seems to have shaken off her post-election depression by accepting Taylor Swift as her Lord and Savior. I kid you not. In fact, she has become a member of the "GAYLOR" cult which believes that Taylor Swift is a secret lesbian. The problem for the Liberal Pink Hat Lady is that she doesn't want to antagonize Taylor Swift by outing her so she twists herself into all sorts of weird Swiftie pretzel maneuvers to claim she isn't really outing Taylor Swift while at the same time doing precisely that. The icing on this comedy gold is her sense of betrayal by Morning Joe and Mika as well as by Joe Biden for seeming to embrace Orange Man Bad after years of calling him Hitler.

The big theological mystery for me is what happened to our society where we ended up in a situation in which a 50+ year old lady ends up acting like a giggly teenie bopper Swiftie fan?

Before viewing this video, please check out the link to the original Liberal Pink Hat Lady Video on Rumble if you have not already seen it so you can fully appreciate the Comedy Gold of where Liberal Pink Hat Lady is coming from.

Follow the Hilarious Election Progression of Liberal Pink Hat Lady on Rumble

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