The Science Behind Urine Therapy With Documented Evidence - Dr. Edward Group

3 months ago

Dr. Edward Group breaks down the actual science behind urotherapy (urine therapy), while providing documented evidence and informational resources for viewers to use for their own research and study

Student drinks urine to survive 5 days locked in solitary confinement without food, water, or toilet

Urine Therapy Explained with Amandha Vollmer
Urine therapy is an ancient healing protocol that goes by many names like Orin therapy, Shivambu, and Urotherapy. We go over its history, its benefits, and how to begin practicing it in your own life. This is episode 411 and our guest is a self-described, eclectic, holistic health practitioner. She describes in this episode how she went from being a skeptic of urine therapy to utilizing it regularly, both topically and internally.

Orin, as she calls it, is structured water that consists of stem cells, vitamins, and minerals. It’s a golden elixir for healing which has been used for centuries to heal diseases, dissolve blood clots, fight infections, and heal skin issues. She explains how urine isn’t waste, as it has long been regarded. She defines looping the practice of fasting from food and simply drinking all of one’s urine and its positive effects including autophagy and enhancing the healing of chronic diseases.

In short, our guest, Amandha Vollmer, walks a step-by-step through an Orin Therapy primer, describing in detail this unique individualized medicine that is free and available to us all. Before we dive into the conversation, we’ve got a freebie for you. We are giving away free journals. They’re back issues from 2018 or earlier. This content, just like raw milk, never spoils. It’s always good.

More Information in link Urine Therapy Explained with Amandha Vollmer

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