2013 Genealogy Fair Genealogy Through Navy Deck Logs

2 months ago

After you've researched the basics of Navy personnel records, see what genealogical nuggets can be gleaned from the logbooks created by the U.S. Navy and learn about the exciting ways the National Archives is making them available.

Presenter Biography:
Mark C. Mollan is a Navy/Maritime Reference Archivist with the National Archives where he has worked for 13 years. He is the author of two articles published in the National Archives publication PROLOGUE including, “The Army Medal of Army: The First Fifty Five Years,” and “Honoring Our War Dead: The Evolution of the Government Policy on Headstones for Fallen Soldiers and Sailors.” He is currently working on two projects including the digital imaging of US Navy and Coast Guard logbooks, as well as developing a website to facilitate access to studying logbooks of all kinds in the holdings of the National Archives.

Presentation slides: https://www.archives.gov/files/calendar/genealogy-fair/2013/presentations/Wed3pm-Mollan_Presentation-Genealogy-Through-Decklogs.pdf

Learn more:

#2013genfair #knowyourrecords #genealogy

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