Only A Truth Based Relationship With Reality Can Satisfy

3 months ago

Only A Truth Based Relationship With Reality Can Satisfy

Nov. 23, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

What we all want, deep down, is a truth-based relationship with reality. We might not be aware that this is what we are seeking from life, but it is. And everything in our society is stacked against our ever getting it.

Everything in our society tells us to orient ourselves toward falsehood. Toward the lies of the empire. Toward the gratification of the ego. Toward fraudulent strategies for happiness which can never, ever satisfy. And all we really want deep down is truth.

The overwhelming majority of humanity is lost in delusion. Our minds are full of propaganda-induced hallucinations about a completely fictional world in which capitalism is working just fine and the US and its allies stand on the side of freedom and justice. Our behavior is driven by advertising and cultural indoctrination about what we should buy and how hard we should work to buy it and what kinds of goals we should be striving to achieve. Our psyches are wrapped around a believed sense of self which is completely and utterly illusory.

We flail this way and that seeking happiness and satisfaction from sources which can never provide them to us, because they aren’t true. We buy all the products we’re told to buy and find they yield only the most shallow and fleeting sort of enjoyment. We chase all the goals we’re told to chase and then find ourselves in a mid-life crisis when we’re still miserable after spending decades successfully achieving them. We try to find some inner stability by obtaining knowledge about the world and find ourselves fighting off cognitive dissonance because of the contradictions between the propaganda-induced mainstream consensus about reality and the raw data of what’s actually going on.

We are unhappy because we live in a civilization made of lies, but because we live in a civilization made of lies, everything we reach for in an effort to escape our unhappiness is itself made of lies. Buy this product. Become fit enough and beautiful enough. Become wealthy and impressive. Fill your head with knowledge from all the most respected and esteemed sources. Happiness is just around the corner if you can only obtain the next shiny thing.

It’s all lies. It cannot satisfy.

Reading by Tim Foley

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.


Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)

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