Operation Arkansas Little Rock Arkansas

1 month ago

Two soldiers exiting from doorway of a store front. The sign: "US Army Military District. Arkansas Hq". Sgt. exits, gets into Nat'l Guard coupe. CU, Arkansas National Guard stenciled on rear of car. Church services at Little Rock National Guard Armory for the 101st personnel billeted there. Also a shot of the Catholic services at Camp Robinson. Maj. Gen. Edwin Walker, Maj. Gen. Sherman I. Clinger, State AG for the State of Arkansas, and Lt. Col. Ernest B. Bowden, Commander of the 1st Bn, 153d Inf Regt, Arkansas National Guard, chat in front of the Central High School. Negro students being escorted up steps while other students watch. Addt'l scenes of Catholic Mass being celebrated outdoors for the 101st personnel. Men receive Holy communion. RV, Gen. Walker chatting informally with the men after the church services. CUs of the men. CU, Gen. Walker. Addt'1 scenes of church services on the grounds of the Little Rock Nat'1 Guard Armory. The minister is in civies. MS, a boy plays a portable organ. Cut-ins of the men as they sing hymn. A barricade at the high school; white girl student walks past. LS of the Central High School. Silhouette of two guards walking past in first part of shot. Pan of students sitting and standing at the school steps. Guards in front of the entrance. Gen. Walker conferring with Col. Bowden, Col. U. Beakley in front of the high school. Caption says this happens after the turnover of the 101st of the National Guard. MLS, as Gen. Walker is interviewed by newsmen; Walker talks to unident officers. Gen. Walker talking to Col Kuhn and officers and EM of the 101st at rear of the school. Walker and Kuhn walk over to where soldiers are working at several vehicles.

National Archives Identifier: 27642
Local Identifier: 111-LC-41036

Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations. U.S. Army Audiovisual Center. ca. 1974-5/15/1984 (Most Recent)

Series: Motion Picture Films from the Army Library Copy Collection, 1964 - 1980

Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985

This item av documents the time period: 9/29/1957 - 10/2/1957

National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM)
National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540
Email: mopix@nara.gov

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