2018 Genealogy Fair Session 5 Tennessee Valley Authority Records To St Louis and Beyond

1 month ago

With this year's 85th anniversary of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), I will cover the wealth of genealogical resources the TVA's Official Personnel Files (OPFs) provide to researchers. Additionally, I will provide information regarding the locations of other TVA records to be found in National Archives offices outside of St. Louis. The TVA was created in 1933 as one of the many “alphabet agencies” of the New Deal. It employed men and women alike for many different jobs from the, well-known, dam constructions to science labs and textile plants. It was one of the first agencies with such an overstated regional focus. Within one short year of establishment, over 9,000 people were employed over the seven state area of TN, AL, MS, KY, GA, NC, and VA. The TVA’s focus on employment as well as on the development and modernization of rural land makes the federal records that remain a sophisticated way to track families from that time and area.

Presented by Cara Moore Lebonick, Archives Technician

⇒ Handouts: https://www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-fair.
⇒ Event Evaluation Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYREventEval
⇒ Transcript taken from the captioning is available after the event and upon request to KYR@nara.gov.

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