SLOBODNI podcast #95 Amy Kelly- "Pfizerovi dokumenti-Pfizerov zločin protiv čovječanstva"

2 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ sud je naložio Pfizeru da objavi dokumente sa testiranja cjepiva protiv C-19 koje su željeli skriti na 75 godina. Preko 3200 znanstvenika, doktora i drugih volontera su analizirali dokumente te pronađeno stavili u jednu knjigu koju možete kupiti ovdje Naslov sam po sebi govori o rezultatima, ali ako ima skeptičnih neka se sami uvjere. Ova knjiga je ušla u fokus novoizabrane američke administracije. Što će nam epilog donijeti tek je da vidimo.
🙏 Treat us to a coffee☕ court has ordered Pfizer to release documents from the testing of the C-19 vaccine that they wanted to hide for 75 years. Over 3,200 scientists, doctors and other volunteers analyzed the documents and put their findings in a book that you can buy here The title itself speaks for itself about the results, but if there are any skeptics, let them see for themselves. This book has become the focus of the newly elected American administration. What the epilogue will bring us remains to be seen.

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