Michelle Lee Hardesty Tragedy Pimp Grifter of the Idaho 4

3 months ago

Pay close attention and read what Michelle wrote on the Go Fund Me that she created in the name of the Idaho 4 students.

This Scally Wag Skank Tragedy Pimp thinks she was Exposed for attacking creators.

News Flash Bish! You were EXPOSED for being the Tragedy Pimp Grifter that you are.

Everyone in the True Crime community knows what you are about Scally Wag Michelle Lee Mesenger 11. You will never get support from our community.

Tragedy Pimp Grifting Skank Ass Trash Bish! Just Look at this Go Fund Me and Tell me you're Not a Tragedy Pimp Bish!

I am sending a link to the Tragedy Pimp Exposers today and watch them Expose You for what you are.

Michelle Lee Messenger 11 The Lying Thief Stealing in the name of the Idaho 4 students.

The Goncalves family is going to need to see this along with the other parents and let them see if they want to sue Michelle Lee for Using their kids name to Steal.

Michelle Lee the Skank Tragedy Pimp of the Idaho 4.

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