The Proper Search for God, but how?… Jesus explains ❤️ The Great Gospel of John thru Jakob Lorber

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The Proper Search for God

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 10, Chapters 97 & 98

Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

The Lord says:

1. You said as well that you do not keep any deity in high regard anymore, because you have searched for one for such a long time, and despite this your most zealous search, not a one has ever even slightly approached you.

2. Though you might have sought for yourself a true divinity, still you have not set your eyes on one. However, you must realize that your search has been very one-sided and selfish. For you, a great friend of life, merely wished to assure yourself that there indeed exists a true divinity, so that the soul of man continues to live forever after the death of the body. And yet, the people must languish in their old foolishness and utter blindness, making offerings to you priests just as they did before!

3. As far as the one, true God is concerned however, a priest is not in the least given any preference over even the most insignificant member of the common people. With God there is no hierarchy among men. To Him, emperor and beggar are on one and the same level. Only he will be favored by God who truthfully recognizes Him, who then loves Him above all else, his fellow man as himself, and who keeps the commandments of God as they were given by Moses, being humble in everything and who will not demand anything from anyone that is unjustified, that is in contradiction with the order or with the will of God itself, neither with violence nor with cunning, for all these deeds are an abomination in the eyes of God.

4. You priests have always shamelessly lied to the people and deceived them, and thus you surely will realize now why the one and only true God did not wish to reveal Himself to you, despite all your searching, for He saw all too clearly that you would leave the people in the old darkness solely out of worldly considerations, as was the case with many priests in Egypt.

5. They knew about the one and only true God, and yet the common people had to believe what they were conditioned to believe. For this very behaviour did God strike them with blindness as well, and within this blindness you remain until even now, and will remain for as long as you will not turn away from the world and, in all truth, begin to search for God, for His spiritual Kingdom and its purest justice.

6. Whoever will not seek God with all love, meekness, humility, patience and complete self-denial will not find the One who is the greatest good in life. And whoever will not seek and find God in this manner may also not expect any exceptional help from Him.

7. God, in His immense love, cares for all people, as He does for all the creatures across the endless universe, according to His eternal, unchangeable order; however, He only takes special and extraordinary care of those who truly recognize Him, who do His will that was revealed to them and truly love Him above all else, in all that they do.

8. Truly you have searched for the one, true God for a long time and with great zeal, but ask yourself now if you have ever searched for God in the manner I have shown you now.

9. I tell you this: “Lord, Lord, where are You? When I, as Your creation, search for You and call upon You from the deepest darkness of the night of my life, why then do you not reveal Yourself, and why do You not answer me by saying ‘Here I am?'”, he who says this will not find God the Lord and come to Him, for only he who seeks God in the manner that I have shown you now will do so.

10. Look, you read Moses and the prophets, and clearly you found God’s will written in the renowned 10 commandments, and you took a liking to these commandments, so much so that, on many an occasion, you said within yourself: ‘Truly, in the whole wide world there are no laws wiser, more suitable and appropriate for bringing true happiness and well-being to all men, and one may justly assume that they truly originate from a divine being.’

11. Capable of saying this within yourself, why then did it not once occur to you to put these laws into practice within yourself? If you had done so, then you would have found God already, but instead you found all manner of worldly reasons not to put these laws into practice, even though you admired them.

12. From now on, let these laws become deeds with you, compensate those you have wronged to the best of your abilities, and, for the time being, be of a firm will to see these things through. Then will you ever so quickly and easily find the One you have sought in vain for so long!”

Chapter 98 – The Lord illustrates the proper Search for God

1. Upon these words of Mine, the priest said: “Truly, you immensely wise Master, inspired by God, I possess a great fortune, so does it suffice if I spend three quarters of it for good deeds towards those who suffered some form of harm or damage because of me, according to the laws of Moses, which, from now on, I wish and intend to observe in their entirety, and if I were to use the remaining quarter for good deeds of neighborly love until the end of my days?”

2. Said I: “Friend, that is more than sufficient, for you see, God is, within Himself, the eternally purest love!

3. If a man wishes to take for himself a wife, because he has need of one, yet does so not out of love, merely seeking one out of dull worldly reasons, do you believe that such a one will ever find a good wife, one that would truly love him in return? He will find a foolish woman, yes, one who will not marry him, but only his gold, simply to squander it with others, yet no woman who has any love for him. Therefore, the one who intends to find a wife that is brimming with love must also search for her with love.

4. And so, he who wishes to seek and find God, He who is the purest love, must do so with the purest love within his own heart, to which no love for the filthy world clings, no matter how insignificant it may seem. If he will search for God in this way, then he will most certainly find Him.

5. When you were still a young man, you were fortunate to be pleasing to a very beautiful and incredibly rich daughter of a patrician. You too had a great love for her, and you would have received her as a wife if your love for her had been completely pure. But while this daughter who, at that time, was called a pearl of Rome, loved you so very much without you noticing it any more than necessary, it was her intention to be secretly informed about your love for her by means unknown to you, and soon she discovered that you had other damsels to whom you opened your heart as well.

6. Once the pearl of Rome realized this, she soon showed no more love for you, and so she turned away her countenance from you.

7. Of course, you were saddened immensely in response. You made a few futile attempts to regain her affection, and you might have even succeeded, but you could not deny and free yourself from your passion for the others, and thereby you lost the pearl completely.

8. And you see, this is more or less how it works with God as well, He who is the eternally purest love. Only with the purest and most spotless love can and will you find, see and praise Him, receiving from Him eternal life.

9. For him whose heart is brimming with all manner of worldly things it is, of course, quite difficult to cleanse himself thereof, but a firm will is a hard worker, and what appears impossible to you today will become easier to accomplish tomorrow, and ever more so in the times yet to come.

10. But ask yourself now within your heart if, what I have explained to you now, you also understood as you should.”

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