DARK OVERLORD from ATLANTIS - Rare Footage of a Real Life EXORCISM

3 months ago

You are about to witness a rare footage of a Demonic possession and exorcism caught on camera!

One of our Ascension Students at New Earth Mystery School has experienced severe possession and attacks from a DARK OVERLORD from ATLANTIS for the past 25 years.

We were guided to offer her a Complimentary ENTITY REMOVAL QUANTUM HEALING ❤️

Things took quite an unexpected twist mid-way through this session as we started to COMMUNICATE with the DARK OVERLORD and we could never have guessed it would turn out this way!

We are ever so GRATEFUL to all the Masters and Archangel Michael who came in to facilitate this Healing ❤️

The GUIDES are reminding ALL LIGHTWORKERS on the Planet to put your Ascension & your Soul's Evolution ABOVE ALL ELSE right now, and to Invest in your Spirituality and the expansion of your Spirit back to Source ❤️

The time is NOW! And there's no time to waste!

We are facilitating a Powerful and Transformative Implant, J-Seal, and Dark Entity Removal QUANTUM HEALING on June 29th. Investment is $44 to Register for this Event, and we HIGHLY recommend that you prioritize this as part of your Spiritual journey.

✨ Details and Registration @ https://eldoraandsiman.love/j-seal-implant-and-entity-removal/
ALL Events can be done LIVE, or via Replay ✨

With Love,
Eldora & Siman

#exorcism #rarefootage #atlantis #healing #entityremoval #possession #demonicpossession #darkoverlord #lightworkers #spiritual #entity #christconsciousness #ascension #evolution #archangels

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