FDR and the Grace Tully Archive

1 month ago

This Inside the Vaults video short looks at some of the most important and interesting documents in The Tully Archive, a collection of original FDR-related papers and memorabilia that had been in the possession of the President's last personal secretary, Miss Grace Tully, and was recently donated to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library.

Inside the Vaults includes highlights from the National Archives in the Washington, DC, area and from the Presidential libraries and regional archives nationwide. These shorts present behind-the-scenes exclusives and offer surprising stories about the National Archives treasures. See more from Inside the Vaults at http://bit.ly/LzQNae.

This donation to the Roosevelt Library is the result of more than five years of negotiation between the government and the private parties involved. The Grace Tully Archive was donated by the Sun Times Media Group, now known as the Chicago Newspaper Liquidation Corporation, following enactment in February 2010 of Public Law 111-138, sponsored in the Senate by Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) and in the House by Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY). Sun Times is a successor to Hollinger International, whose CEO, Conrad Black, had purchased the Tully Archive and authored Franklin D. Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom (2003).

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