Our Promise 100 Years of the American Battle Monuments Commission

3 months ago

To mark a hundred years of commemoration,the American Battle Monuments Commission released a 56-minute documentary that honors both the sacrifice of our fallen and the dedication of our staff to ensure we fulfill the unique mission given to the American Battle Monuments Commission. It showcases the agency's ongoing work to preserve the legacy of those memorialized at our sites as well as the evolution of our mission into a new century of service. It honors both the sacrifice of our fallen, as well as the dedication of it’s staff to ensure fulfillment of its unique mission.
Established by Congress in 1923, the American Battle Monuments Commission commemorates the service, achievements, and sacrifice of U.S. armed forces. ABMC administers 26 overseas military cemeteries, and 32 memorials, monuments, and markers.

For live-only captions: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=26263-NARA-The.American.Battle

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