Here's How You Know You Have Mommy Issues

2 months ago

Ever wonder why your heart races at the thought of opening up to someone? Why does being truly seen make you want to run for the hills? You're not alone, and it's not your fault. Welcome to the world of mommy issues – a place where love feels like a battlefield, and vulnerability is your kryptonite.

But here's the thing: mommy issues aren't just about seeking out older women or having a "type." It's so much deeper than that.

It's about that gnawing feeling in your gut, constantly seeking approval and validation from others because, deep down, you never got it from the one person who mattered most – your mother.

Think about it. As a child, your mom was your emotional compass. While dad was teaching you discipline and drive, mom was supposed to be your safe haven, showing you how to love and be loved. But what happens when that safe haven feels more like a storm? You grow up believing that love is something you have to earn, and that being your true self is a risk not worth taking.

This just develops into multiple defense mechanisms and trust issues as you grow up and now you have trouble being your true self in relationships.
But your brain doesn't connect you to the root of the issue. It's like these issues are just branches of a tree, all the past traumatic relationships are just branches in the tree and the root is your childhood trauma.

And instead of uprooting the tree, you are trying to cut down the branches.

It; 's like there are hidden links between your childhood experiences and your adult relationships.

To break free from all these things that are holding you down, you have to uproot that tree.

And it first starts by diving deep and analyzing why what are the events that caused you to have mommy issues and let go of them and eventually you'll be free from them.

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