CANADA RUSSIA HOCKEY (full game) 1972 ...... #Hockey's HIDDEN HAND Origin Unmasked!! HOWDIE MICKOSKI

3 months ago

My new book Hockey's Origin Unmasked: the hidden hand behind a Native Source is now available. GO HERE:

This book not only digs into the strange aspects of the formation of sports in the late 1800s, but goes deeper to see why these sports may have been created, and who such sports were really meant to benefit.
It does seem like the sport of hockey is at its origin a Native American (specifically Mi'Kmaq) ceremony that was appropriated by the British elite of Montreal of the 1870s.
This book will likely surprise you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my good friend from canada!!!!!... hockey player back he was a...normal a world authority on THE WORLDS FAIRS LIES and .." HOCKEY LIES"....a leading world authority on ULTIMATE SEARCH FOR ABSOLUTE truth....." his" level on THE LADDER of truth is way way way up there...its too far up for 99.999% of people to even comprehend...but we all have to work ourself on our own..up NEXT rung on OUR OWN ladder............i luv it...he s also known for his ATTACKS on the plato s cave allegory ...hmmmm this guy takes on one of the most quoted philosopher in HIS in todays world????? THIS GUY HAS NUTS brah.......👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

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