Blessed Miguel Pro said Viva Cristo Rey as he was murdered by the Anti Catholic Mexican Government

3 months ago

On this day in 1927, Blessed Miguel Pro was martyred by Mexico's Freemason government, who were supported by the Ku Klux Klan
The government photographed the killing and released the image in order to intimidate others who might remain Catholic, but it had the opposite effect

José Ramón Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez (1891-1927), with his arms open in the form of a cross, prepares to be shot by the squad on November 23, 1927.

A writer said:
When Miguel himself was marched to face the firing squad, he was asked if he had any final wishes. He asked for time to pray. He then spent two minutes kneeling on the ground before he stood and spread his arms wide, with a crucifix in one hand and a rosary in the other. His last words were “Viva Cristo Rey!” or “Long live Christ the King!”
What were those five Mexican soldiers thinking as they shot Miguel Pro? Although he was dressed as a layman because of the anti-Catholic laws, they knew that they were killing a priest. How many times had they seen prisoners curse, cry, beg, or need to be dragged to the place of execution? But this calm, peaceful young man, standing in a cruciform position, must have looked to them just as our Lord looked when he hung on the Cross.
Whatever those soldiers thought on November 23, 1927, they and other revolutionary soldiers would see the same sight again and again in the future. Blessed Miguel Pro inspired courage among the Cristeros rebels and faithfulness among Catholics all over Mexico. For years afterward, when faithful Catholics were arrested and taken to be executed, they too shouted “Viva Cristo Rey!” And very often they carried copies of photographs of brave and holy Blessed Miguel Pro with them to their deaths.

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