May 8th, 2023 - 13c Grande Mosquée de Paris, France

2 months ago

1st, 2023 - June 2nd, 2023: Europe Trip

May 8th, 2023 - 13c Grande Mosquée de Paris, France

Paris Sightseeing
The Grande Mosquée de Paris
2bis Pl. du Puits de l'Ermite, 75005 Paris, France

We visited the Ar-Rawda (garden) section of the masjid which also houses the wudhu and toilets (the first decent toilet in Paris complete with bidet).

Non-muslims who wish to visit the masjid are charged a €3 fee.

The Grande Mosquée de Paris was inaugurated on July 15, 1926, in the presence of President of France, Pierre Paul Henri Gaston Doumergue to mark France's recognition for the sacrifice of muslim who died defending France during the first world war (1914-1918).

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