2018 Genealogy Fair Session 3 Alls Fair in Love and War The Civil War Widows Pension Files

2 months ago

The Case Files of Approved Pension Applications of Widows and Other Dependents of the Army and Navy Who Served Mainly in the Civil War and the War with Spain are records heavily used by genealogists and social historians. They contain records received by the Bureau of Pensions from widows to prove entitlement for pensions based on their deceased husbands’ military service.

Pension files contain records for all claims relating to the veteran and include:
- marriage and/or divorce
- certificates from examining surgeons
- birth records of children
- copies of veterans’ death certificates
- correspondence between parties and the Bureau of Pensions

Presented by Alexandra Villaseran, processing archives technician at the National Archives in Washington, DC.

⇒ Handouts: https://www.archives.gov/calendar/genealogy-fair.
⇒ Event Evaluation Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KYREventEval
⇒ Transcript taken from the captioning is available after the event and upon request to KYR@nara.gov.

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