No Shots. No Flu shot before Thanks Giving. Share space with family and boost your immunity!

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Clay Clark: What would you say to somebody who says: You know, I'm thinking about getting a flu shot before Thanksgiving.
Judy Mikovits, PhD: Know that every flu shot is a COVID shot, and has been since Trump signed into law, unwittingly, unknowingly, as we know, September 19, 2019 every flu shot is a COVID shot. Every shot since 2009 has been a COVID shot. They actually cause disease, as many know and are suffering. And so if you could simply wait.
What did we have in the Brady Bunch? You know, have a COVID party. Have a flu party. You know, you're all family. Just lick, lick their cheek, and share glasses.
And we all know Lee Merritt, you know, let's, let's just have some fun. And you know, just stop! It's only going to make you sick. Don't go near a hospital. Don't go near a CVS Pharmacy. You don't have to question shedding or spreading, if you stay home with your family. It doesn't happen that way, whether they were shot or not in the past. Just don't shoot them again, and certainly don't shoot yourself. It just doesn't end well!

11/20/2024 - Thrivetime Show:

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