My stalker attacks her family.

3 months ago

The one that we believe that will be in danger is the stepmother.
She has something extremely against Heidi. And right now she may be okay. But I believe that michelle lee is working up enough mustard to do something to her in the future.

This man that recorded this feels the same way.

This is what she's doing behind. Everybody's back including mine on substack. this is also what she tries to do here on rumble.

Our biggest thing is going to your Facebook page and pulling everything about you off your Facebook page. And putting it up on her platform where she doesn't think she'll get caught.

Tourism, he shows a little bit about me. just heard trying to prove that the photographs I post are not me.
And i'm not the one that's important here in this video.

The real mother of her kids are is what's important here in this video and her safety.
Also justice for her her daughter Hannah Card

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