Policy Based Preservation Environments iRODS

3 months ago

Wednesday, August 13, National Archives in Washington, DC -- This presentation features Reagan Moore, Mike Conway, and Arcot Rajasekar, NCAST Research Partners from the Data Intensive Cyber Environments (DICE) Group at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Renaissance Computing Institute and the Institute for Neural Computation at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Moore demonstrates several prototype tools that use the integrated Rule-Oriented Data System (iRODS) for linking and implementing a repository's preservation policies with record series and collections. For more information, visit the NCAST web site at www.archives.gov/ncast, or visit the iRODS wiki at www.irods.org.

The National Archives Applied Research Division (formerly known as NCAST: NARA's Center for Advanced Systems and Technologies) serves as a resource for improving NARA customer services and business processes; and evaluates tools to improve NARA's electronic records and network operations. These presentations are sessions with our research partners where they talk about their research and findings and how these are helping NARA identify new theories knowledge, methods, and techniques to advance the lifecycle of electronic records.

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