Episode 75 A, Daniel 12

3 months ago

I am Sal Lopez The Executive Director of Ozark Hunger Relief, I am trying to raise funds to open an office to feed children (anybody actually) in Prairie Grove Arkansas. I would like the office to be a resource center too, to help raise the average income and education levels of the town.
Email me at ozarkhunger@gmail.com
In Daniel Chapter 12, the final chapter of the Book of Daniel, the prophet receives a vision about the end times and the ultimate deliverance of God's people. This chapter focuses on the events of the final days, the resurrection, and the reward for the righteous.

Here’s a brief synopsis of Daniel 12:

Verses 1-3: The chapter begins with a description of a time of great distress, a period of unparalleled trouble for Israel. However, during this time, Michael, the archangel and protector of Israel, will stand up and intervene on their behalf. This marks the beginning of the end, but those who are found in the "book" (likely referring to the righteous) will be delivered. Many of those who have died will be resurrected: some to eternal life and others to eternal shame and contempt. Those who are wise and lead others to righteousness will shine like the stars forever.
Verses 4-7: Daniel is told to seal up the words of the prophecy, as they are meant for a future time. Many will search for understanding, but the full meaning will not be revealed until the appointed time. Two other figures—one asking about the duration of the time of distress—are shown to Daniel. The response is that it will last "a time, times, and half a time" (often interpreted as a period of 3.5 years). Daniel is assured that the end will eventually come, and all will be completed according to God's plan.

Verses 8-13: Daniel, not fully understanding the vision, asks for further clarification. However, he is told that the words are sealed until the time of the end. The chapter concludes with a blessing for those who wait and endure through the trials. Those who remain faithful and wise will be rewarded, and Daniel himself is promised rest and a place in the resurrection at the end of days.

The chapter is a final, prophetic word to the people of Israel, urging them to endure through coming trials, with the ultimate promise of resurrection and eternal reward for those who remain faithful.
God Bless You!

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