Cold Blood by Simon Bovey. BBC RADIO DRAMA

4 months ago

Cold Blood
This chilling serial follows a group of scientists conducting research in Antarctica. Once the most pristine environment in the world, this icy wilderness has become gold rush country. Biotechnology companies have raced to unravel the secrets of life in a cold climate, drawn by the lure of lightning in a bottle. Now someone’s captured it - and a killer is on the loose…
Broadcast in five episodes: Freezerville, Cold Cold Heart, The Changing Man, Sanctuary No More and The Antarctican.
Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah Marks …. Helen Longworth
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Bowers …. Tim McMullan
Written by Simon Bovey
Directed by Marc Beeby
First broadcast on BBC Radio 7 in January 2005

Part 1 00:00

A group of scientists are conducting research in the Antarctic, the most pristine environment on Earth - but there are black clouds on the horizon.

Welcome to the dark, dark world of Cold Blood...

Simon Bovey's five-part sci-fi thriller made in 2005 but set in 2015.

Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah Marks …. Helen Longworth
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Bowers …. Tim McMullan

Director: Marc Beeby

Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in January 2005.

Part 2 27:52
Cold Heart
At Ellsworth Research Centre, deep in the Antarctic, scientist Russell Bowers is recovering after his incredible trek.

Meanwhile, Commander Taft and meteorologist Anaya are heading to Mitchell Bluff to discover what they can about the attack on Bowers and his team.

Continuing Simon Bovey's sci-fi thriller made in 2005 but set in 2015.

Bowers …. Tim McMullan
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah …. Helen Longworth

Part 3 56:03
The Changing Man
After his trip to Mitchell Bluff, Taft's realised Bowers' story about the attack on his base doesn't add up - and Bowers isn't giving anything away.

Worse, a member of Taft's team has been found dead...

Continuing Simon Bovey's sci-fi thriller made in 2005 but set in 2015.

Bowers …. Tim McMullan
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah …. Helen Longworth

Part 4 1:24:14
Sanctuary No More
Deb has found evidence that Bowers has been experimenting on himself and is now a Chimera - changing at a cellular level.

But, the question is, into what?

The answers will have to wait, because now there's a killer on the loose...

Continuing Simon Bovey's sci-fi thriller made in 2005 but set in 2015.

Bowers …. Tim McMullan
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah …. Helen Longworth

Part 5 1:52:08
The Antarctican

The struggle at the South Pole continues.

Having witnessed the destruction of the Ellsworth Research Centre and the death of several of their colleagues, the survivors prepare to flee...

Conclusion of Simon Bovey's 5-part sci-fi thriller set in 2015.


Bowers …. Tim McMullan
Commander Taft …. Tom Mannion
Max Bellingfield …. Stuart McLoughlin
Anaya …. Ndidi Del Fatti
Deborah …. Helen Longworth

Director: Marc Beeby

Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in 2005.

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