God’s Solution For Election Anxiety

2 months ago

Elections are stressful. It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you’re on. Anxiety is at an all time high in society and we try everything to find a solution. However, the word of God has excellent advice for dealing with anxiety.

Pray about it. The word of God says don’t be anxious for anything but to make our requests known to God through prayer. Anxiety is not something we can deal with alone. There is something powerful about talking about it with God. He already knows everything we are dealing with because He is all-knowing. However, we tend to hang on to our problems. Talking to God about it helps us to release our problems so that we don’t carry them around anymore.

For some of us, that anxiety reflex is natural. So, it can be difficult to hear that we have a conscious choice whenever we encounter something that causes anxiety. We can either hang on to it or let it go and give it to God. The longer we hang on to it, the worse it can make us feel. God wants us to give it to him so that we can have life to the full. Worry less, pray more.

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