3 months ago

What a scrumptious… STEAK! RECIPE - 2 servings, 30min prep time Sauce: 75g vegan butter 1 small onion 2 cloves garlic Sauté for a few minutes. -1 Tsp mustard 1 Tsp miso paste 1/2 Tsp curry powder 1/2 Tsp each dried thyme and rosemary -salt and pepper to taste 1 Table spoon chopped parsley 150ml vegan cream juice of 1/2 lemon 1 Tsp agave Mix and let it cook 5min Steak: 4 big mushrooms (I used lions mane) Fry in some oil and gently press out the water. 1/2 Tbsp each paprika, cumin 2 Tsp each dried thyme, dried rosemary 1 Tsp salt Mix well and sprinkle on both sides of the steaks. 2 Tbsp tomato paste 1/2 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp agave Mix well and brush on each side of the steaks. Serve the sauce on the steaks along side with some fries.

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