The Fourth Watch

3 months ago

(Written by Ben Antoniadis)

Wide awake in the fourth watch of night
The city sleeps but the dream ain’t right
Deafening silence and absence of light
As Lady Justice weeps tonight

Wide awake in the witching hour
Looking out from my lonely tower
I see spirits of darkness and light
Wrestling in the fourth watch of night

The poet of the apocalypse
Sees visions under moon’s eclipse
Foreshadowing unfolding fate
Slipstream in the wake of three sisters’ curse

I hear the breath of wildflower
Each fallen drop of heavenly shower
Falling upon forsaken land
The soul at stake, is the spirit at hand?

Descending from my lonely tower
Wandering the streets at ungodly hour
Passing sleeping bags of bones
Dreaming the dreams of a coal-bitten stoned

Till I hear the sounds of breaking dawn
Street sweeper dirge and songbirds reborn
Wandering back to my lonely tower
In the half-light wake of the witching hour

Wide awake in the fourth watch of night
The city sleeps but the dream ain’t right
Deafening silence and absence of light
As Lady Justice weeps tonight

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